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My Experience at Ironman Texas 2011

Crossing the Finish Line of Ironman Texas

Just before I crossed the finish line of Ironman Texas

Wow, what can I say about it? My first Ironman distance triathlon is in books. It was a lot more difficult than I was expecting, but I am pretty sure it was due to the fact that the hills were more numerous than advertised. We got to The Woodlands on a Wednesday and when we got to the hotel and got our luggage to the room, spent some time getting our bikes together. In doing so, noticed that my bike seat had gotten squished to a side (thanks, Continental). Regardless of my seat, we were planning on heading to the Ironman Village anyway, so what better excuse? Walking around there, we didn’t find any vendor that sold any real selection of seats, but one did recommend Bike Land just five minutes away. So we woke up Wednesday morning, heading to the bike shop and after a few test rides, settled on a seat, so we then went for a 1/2 hour bike and 10 minute run, duplicated again on Friday after a test swim in the lake. The day ended with a good dinner at a local steakhouse. Surprised by a good sleep that night, Larry drove us to the transition area.

swimming the lake of Ironman Texas

A crowded swim for Ironman Texas

The swim was fine; yeah it was crowded and yes the final canal was more narrow than we would have preferred, but I still had a good time. Sure I could have had a much quicker swim if not for smacking into people, getting heels in my chest and head, and trying to get around crowds. I did find myself drifting to the right a few times and I can only remember seeing one of the red turn buoys, let alone even turning myself. It was a good thing that I was wearing my wetsuit, because that narrow canal got pretty chilly. It was announced that the water temp was 79° which I am sure the main lake was but that canal was definitely a few degrees colder.  It was a great sight when I came upon the arch for the swim exit! I trotted out of that animal farm, stopped to have my wetsuit ripped off my legs, and then headed to the transition tent to get ready for a little bike ride.

biking Ironman Texas

Riding the rolling hills of Ironman Texas

Wait, did I say a “little” bike ride? Who am I kidding, this was Texas and there ain’t nothing little about their bike courses. It is described on the website as: “The course is mostly flat but features some rolling hills” which is. of course, according to Texan standards. So I hop on my bike with my bottles of Hammer Perpetuem and Sustained Energy and begin my trek, with a decent crowd around me. I think the combination of the rough conditions of the swim, plus the granola bar I ate enroute to the race, played with my stomach as I had some G.I. issues for about half the bike, stopping at about four of the first seven rest areas to use the portable toilets. I did stop at the special needs stop to drank my Mix1, which I think helped with my stomach. Although it did not help with the rolling, rolling, rolling hills. Yeah, for those that do not live in “hilly” areas, imagine you are on the interstate and there are two overpasses in a row. Now imagine that for at least half of a 112 mile bike. It got pretty lonely after about mile 80, and was grateful that a random cyclist hung around for a few miles; it might not have been illegal, but at that point I would have taken a two/four minute penalty. Part of my desire to get off the bike was also due in part to a long stretch of road that was unfinished. My bottom was already sore from breaking in the new seat … it did not appreciate that dark new road gravel. I was quite pleased to make it to transition before the 5:30pm cutoff. I spent a few minutes getting my running gear before heading out for the last leg of my day – hopefully with some legs still left.

And so started my third leg of Ironman Texas and my third marathon. I had a feeling I was not going to beat either my A1A Marathon time from 2010 or my Mickey Marathon time from 2011. But what made it easier than you would think was that it was a three loop course which went through Market Street, a residential neighborhood, and circled around where the swim start was located. I jogged as much as I could. The first lap was spent mostly still in the sun, which meant there were a few points where I walked for a few minutes. I finally got to chat with someone for the first time that day and he helped the first lap go by smoothly. I wish I could remember his name to give him credit, but unfortunately all I can remember was that he was an older gentleman who had a bucket list to do all Ironman triathlons and had attempted St George two weeks ago but had crashed on the bike – still had two fingers taped. It was during our chats that we confirmed our theory on the cold swim – he regretted not wearing a wetsuit as he said his swim split was just over 2 hours. He must have had a good bike time as he was on his last run lap. Just before he jogged off (for some reason he wanted to run ahead of this lady instead of just behind her) he gave me the rest of his salt pills. When I came to Market Street, boy was that uplifting. The second lap was the start of the sunset so I tried to jog more, but that proved a bit more difficult. But once again I was grateful to chat with someone for about half of the lap, as Angelique (?) was on her last lap. We mostly just chatted about the bike, training, and the run course. After a good walk, I decided to start jogging again. When I came through Market Street again, I knew the last lap was going to be a b. it more difficult. After I passed the crowds, it got quiet and dark. There were some spots that were so dark that I was glad they had laid out the glow sticks along the sidewalk. But I knew that time was of the essence and I really did not want to stop in those areas. Who knows what weird Texan creatures were in those woods. So I pushed through those areas a bit more quicker. There was a rest area at about mile 22 where I heard someone mention that there was about one hour left. So I knew that as long as I maintained a 15 min/mile pace that I would be fine.

Just after crossing the Ironman Texas finish

Me just after I crossed the finish line of Ironman Texas

There was stretch that passed some restaurants which proved motivating, after which I walked. It was about mile 24 or 25 that I decided to not chance missing the cutoff and started jogging. Pretty soon I was upon Market Street, and the music and cheering became more pronounced. I will never forget that. Even as I type this I feel tears forming. Just before I turned the last corner I hear, and see, Larry shout at me. The home stretch with Mike Reilly and the arch that I have been waiting all day for. When I gave Mike a high-five in passing, that was awesome. Passing through the archway and having the medal placed around my neck, even better. I could probably go on and on about that day, but I have a sprint triathlon in a few weeks and, now that I feel that I have completely recovered, I was to see how much faster I have gotten over short distances.  😀

What I Have Learned About Triathlon

With only a few weeks left before Ironman Texas, I decided to give a breakdown of the three disciplines (swim, bike, and run) and what I have learned about each of them. I am in no way an expert but I like to think that I have probably experienced enough in training for Texas and the other races before, and also listened to friends’ experiences with the sport to be able to put down on “paper” what about each leg is easy and difficult.


Probably the easiest of the three legs of the race to pick up, given the fact that a majority of kids are taken to swim classes. But even better: it is also the cheapest of the three sports since all you need are swim trunks & goggles = you’re good to go! And freestyle, the easiest of the swim strokes, is also the most recommended in triathlon. And what beginners should know is that swim portion is also the shortest compared to the bike and run legs. But the best part: it is water! There is the resistance of the water itself, but that is it (unless you wear paddles) so there is a less chance of developing joint pain, broken leg, shin splints, brain injury, etc.

What makes it difficult: I am used to breathing on the bike and run, but breathing in a pool/lake/ocean is a different ballpark. I can go for long hours on the bike or on my feet without any breathing issues (note: except running in high humidity), but I am still trying to figure out how much/little air to take in for long swims. So let’s say that you mastered that. With regards to training locations, you are limited to the ocean (dependent on weather, jelly fish, algae, etc, if you even live near one) and/or pools (probably this). Depending on your area, some indoor pools are not long and usually require a membership (gym) and outdoor pools can get crowded (not good for lotta-lap-workouts). If you have a rainy season (like South Florida), lightning can play havoc on schedules.

BEGINNER’S TIP: With sprint triathlons, the swim is not long (around 400meters) so not much training is required to make in through the distance. Simply go to your local pool to get some laps in to build distance, with a couple hard/fast laps to help out. At the race, be sure you start in the back of wave or veer to the sides, as the center can be, well, let’s say, rough for those not used to tri swims.


The one part of the triathlon that you can sort of take brief physical breaks and still be moving forward. Yes, you can sort of glide through the water, but only for a second or two; and forget about running (feet don’t move, you don’t move). If it any time during a ride, forward momentum will carry you along for some time; if you are lucky and get a downhill timed right, you might not have to peddle for a good while. Of course, a nice downhill meant that you probably had to get up it. But with the multitude of bicycling training videos and group rides being held, it is possible to develop into a quality cyclist within a few short months.

Of the three disciplines, this can get to be the most expensive. It is recommended that when you are first entering the sport to go “affordable” for your first bike: WalMart, Craigslist, garage sale, or even someone within the sport that has one lying around or wants to sell. Then, when you realize how much fun the sport is and that competitive juice starts building up, you will want to upgrade to a more speedier bike. And once that starts: lighter wheels, better gears, clip pedals, bike/triathlon shoes, bottle cages, bike sensors, aero helmet, bike clothes, bike trainer (don’t skimp on this), and probably more stuff that I can’t remember.

BEGINNER’S TIP: Go affordable, but if you come across a deal, jump on it. I got my road bike on consignment at a local bike shop. Still have it, too. Unless you truly care about time, fancy helmets and aerodynamic products will only shave minutes off of Ironman-distance events, not sprints.


The one discipline that can be trained for almost anywhere, at any time, in any weather (less lightning). You also do not need any special equipment, which is good for beginners. Basically any type of athletic shoes are okay, but, of course, running shoes are preferred, and better for you in the long run. And if you have the right running shoes and you train with the correct form, you can get places. One can wake up in the morning, go out for a jog (through in some intervals), take a shower and pick up some coffee on the way to work. When I started running, it was the end of summer, beginning of fall, so I did not have to deal with extreme heat/humidity. This lead to me being able to build up my distance fairly quick: from not being able to finish two miles in Sept 09 to a 2:15 half marathon Nov 09. The other benefit of the run leg over the other two legs: you can run with the other participants. Drafting in cycling not legal (note: there are draft legal races, but not many) and while it is legal to draft in swimming, it is difficult to talk and swim at the same time. And since wearing headphones/mp3 players in triathlon is illegal, running with someone can help.

That being said, running is also the most impactful on the body, from the feet (duh) all of the way up the legs, hips, and even back (unless you don’t have a spine, then what are you doing on this planet?). Even getting the best quality shoes can’t prevent feet pains, especially after lonnng runs. Unless running is all that you train, your feet might hate you. There are several running forms (chi, posed) and ways to prevent injury, but: everybody is different, every body is different.

BEGINNER’S NOTE: Go to a runner’s store and spend some time there. You will want to have a comfortable pair of shoes. Start out by just seeing how far you can go, even if you have to break it into walk/run. And that is perfectly fine in any race!

A Tale of Two Tradewinds Tris

Now this is a tale of two triathlons. Both were held at Tradewinds Park. Both were sprint triathlons (although the first had a run of 2.5 miles instead of 3.1). I did them almost a year apart and did not start training for Texas until the fall of 2010. So needless to say, I was expecting improvements. Wow, did I ever.

Date Swim T1 Bike T2 Run* Totals
06/05/2010 10:54 1:56 35:44 1:37 25:13 1:15:24
04/03/2011 8:20 1:37 32:14 1:45 26:10 1:10:06

* NOTE: the distance of the run in 2009 was 2.5 miles, but the run in 2010 was a 5k.

So I cut almost 3 minutes from my 400 meter swim, more than 3 minutes from my 10 mile bike, and a few minutes from my run. My brain doesn’t feel like doing math at this time, but the fact that this past triathlon run was more than a half mile longer than last years and there was only a minute difference means that I improved my bike to run fitness. I also recall that when I turned the corner and saw the finish line, I put it into overdrive; so much so that I don’t even remember passing people. What I do remember, and about last year’s run: there were several points where I walked, particularly the water stops. This year I did not walk at any point, but did slow my pace to grab water cups for cooling my head. Thankfully the water was chilly because it was quite warm out in Tradewinds. I soooo can not wait until the next sprint triathlon there!!! And who knows, maybe my time will also greatly improve at the next olympic distance triathlon as well!  🙂

Feeling Good is Good

Okay, so I haven’t been writing in this as often as I had hoped. When I was looking at the training program at the start of this, I figured that at this point the training would be long and difficult every evening. Now that we are two months away from Ironman Texas, I am a tad surprised that the week day workouts are not as intense as I had feared. Now the weekend workouts are another matter; until last weekend, we had century bike rides scheduled. The thought of those a few months ago brought chills to my, ummm, let’s say butt.

So now that we have done a few of those long rides under our belt (pun not intended) I can say that it took a few to get comfort built up. Now that we have done a few 100 mile rides, the idea of doing 112 is not so bad … or at least so far fetched. I can say with confidence that I can do that leg of the Ironman and finish it … and walk afterwards. Now how well I will be able to do the marathon just after that bike ride is another question. I have done a total of two marathons up to this point: the A1A Marathon February 2010 and the Goofy Challenge this past January. But the longest brick that we have done on the program has been a 100 mile bike followed by a 13 mile run … and we only have to do that exact mileage once more. So it should be interesting when I get to mile marker 15 of the run. Based on how Larry did at the Great Floridian last year and how another friend of ours (David Hoy) feels leading up to his race (Ironman South Africa) on April 10, I feel pretty good.

So After My First Half Iron Triathlon

Several weeks ago I finished my first half-iron triathlon in Miami, and needless to say, it was quite an experience. Of course, it was longg, but it really made me realize how difficult it can be. So what was my next triathlon? An olympic distance one, of course!! Several weeks ago was the Miami Man Half Iron Triathlon, with its 1.2m swim, 56m bike, and 13.1m run. And just recently was Key West’s first ever USAT sanctioned triathlon, and thanks to Powerade, got to compete in the Olympic/International distance of 1.5km swim, 40km bike, and 10km run. Both races were well run, which for the Key West Tri was a feat considering it was the first; the Miami Man was the 30th annual.

So what did I learn, from either of them? That long races are long and that I am getting better at the shorter ones. Also, I am never fully trained for the longer triathlon the first time I do it; my first olympic distance triathlon (Nautica SoBe) took me 3:45:00+, the Huntington Tri was about 3:30, and this Key West Tri ended with 3:21. My first half-iron took 7:28, but I wasn’t going for time. I was surprised that I completed the swim in about 45 minutes, although I have noticed that the swim legs always feel that they take longer to complete than what the clock shows. That Miami Man swim felt like an hour!! So when I was on the bike and also during the run, I was calculating what my time was (even though I wasn’t going for time). Needless to say I was pleasantly surprised by my final time and swim leg. The same could be said of the Key West swim leg as I paused a few times to get my position, clear my goggles, and spit some ocean water out. I like snorkeling in the ocean, but swimming a race in it is quite a salty affair.

So what is next? More training for Texas with some long runs the next few weeks to prep for a goofy weekend in Orlando the beginning of January. Yeah, there is smart marketing person in Orlando to have come up with the Disney Goofy Challenge. What is it? Run a half marathon Saturday morning and a full marathon Sunday morning. It is crazy, goofy, and just a bit nuts. So it is perfect for members of Try-a-Tri!!